Tuesday, May 11, 2010

JISHUKEN STEP 2 - Theme Selection

In this step we will determine what will be the theme of jishuken. The theme is usually determined from the results analysis of past and forecasting data.
The analysis process is important so the theme determination of improvement that will effect the results.

Beside that, with theme selection step, the jishuken team will get the commitment from the top management for all the effect such as costs, supporting and implementation in production line. That's why we need to analyze accurately in this step.

Here is the step to complete the theme selection step:
  1. Data Searching / Researching & Analysis (past and forecast data).
  2. The data is used usually :
    • 10 biggest customers
    • 10 biggest type
    • 10 biggest rejection
    • 10 biggest repair
    • 10 highest stock over
    • 10 biggest overtime
    • 10 largest customer claim
  3. Clarify the Problems
    Clarify all the problem that linked with data above. Make all the problem clear and there is no hidden problem.
  4. Discuss with Management
    • Present all the data available to management
    • Make conclusions from data - the data presented
    • Request approval from management for the selected theme based on data
    • If management agrees, use the above data to determine the theme
    • If management does not agree, determine the selected theme, but must refer to the above data, eg data in second, third
    • Create reasons why choosing themes that are not Pareto
  5. Theme Selection and Decision
    • Set the selected theme
    • Show photo part and its position in the end product
    • Determine the initial target for parts such jishuken:
      - Reduce lead times 50%
      - Reduce 30% rejection
      - Reduce 100% repair
      - Reduce 50% stock
      - Reduce 25% over time

Monday, April 26, 2010

What is Six Sigma

The Six Sigma methods
The origins of many Six Sigma principles derived from the teachings of influential thinkers such as W. Edwards Deming Quality and Joseph Juran. In some companies belong together quality and Six Sigma. Unlike other quality programs, Six Sigma strives for quality not only for the sake of quality; Six Sigma aims only to provide quality, if that value to the customer and the company increases.
The systematic five-phase model is to improve processes. The removal of key sources of error will cause results to improve substantially and provides the conditions to improve whole systems, and thus increase the profitability of organizations.

The five phases of Six Sigma improvement process, short-cycle called DMAIC.
  • Define    : What is the problem?
  • Measure  : How can we measure the impact?
  • Analyze   : What is the core causes of the problem?
  • Improve  : How to eliminate the problem?
  • Control  : As the long-term solution is anchored in the organization?
This method is derived from the classic PDCA (Plan / Do / Check / Act) by W. Deming.
Based on this method are numerous tools (the 7x7-Toolbox) to help identify problems in existing processes and documenting processes to make measurable and analysis.

Benefits of Six Sigma:
  1. Achieve growth and stock markets in fast-paced, but in ongoing innovation and change in the organization can be achieved. Six Sigma provides the basis for a new culture and a constant renewal, which is called "closed loop".
  2. Six Sigma is for any performance targets. Each department, each division and employee has different ideas and objectives. Six sigma uses this basis, processes and customers to create a self-contained target bundle. Anyone who understands his customer needs to evaluate its performance compared to the performance "perfect" Six Sigma objective of 99.9997 percent.
  3. Only good or error-free products as well as traditional company can guarantee at the present time no lasting success. Six Sigma means to live out what customers have expectations and ideas, and then plan how they are to perform efficiently and economically.
  4. In the 90's was the first time the idea of learning organization, a concept that many like it but difficult to implement is. The methodology of Six Sigma is here an approach that may enhance the development and dissemination of new ideas within an organization.

Lean Manufacturing through factory floor innovation

Taking the concept of the Toyota System and enhancing them with information systems technology today is the key to allow some manufacturers to unlock the door that leads into a short-cut the process improvement projects. They are rethinking the good ideas of lean manufacturing and use of factory floor is now the tools of information quickly and easily improves factory floor performance, customer responsiveness and their bottom line.

Method of improvement by a leaner approach and finite scheduling for factory floors showed a number of ways:
  • Reduce cycle time
  • Reduce inventory
  • Meet customer expectations on quality and delivery
  • Find ways to improve changeover
  • Empower workers
  • Create a culture for continuous improvement
Creating a culture for continuous improvement is realized through another lean the use of visual aids. By making the factory floor activity visible through the use of Manufacturing Execution System (MES), and measuring the flow times of parts on a continuous basis, the factory has a benchmark from which to identify areas that need improvement and the system to show improvement.

For example, in factories to switch to lean manufacturing, how many have put a machine monitoring equipment in place to measure the flow time of a part? If there is a system that allows the primary metric, how many can say the percentage of time that parts are "value-added" verse the waste (or value-added) time? Time is wasted in a downtime event, waiting for a tool / killer / mold or other necessary pieces of equipment. Other examples of waste of time spent waiting for a quality check or unnecessary time in changeover / setup.

By information systems for factory floor data collection, analysis of the factory floor processes and the flow of parts, sometimes referred to as a "current state map", can be made visible. If your company is going to take action to improve the process then why not make the process flow visible and available all day, every day. If the improvement is truly continuous, then why make the diagnosis of episodic flow.

So why not think creatively from the get-go and put on a factory floor information system in place that will help you and your company move forward with Lean concepts of identifying problems, the flow of parts, and the proposed changes over time? Just because Toyota did not use the electronic information system, will not make it wrong to install them on the floor. To the contrary, it is the American Manufacturer that the opportunity to improve these Lean concepts in information systems who may have married into a Lean process improvement program.
  1. Make sure the entire floor of the factory is related to the system and that they are empowered to identify problem / alert situations.
  2. Allow the system to provide a JIT production approach, which is dynamic and can be reactive to customer needs and floors.
  3. Find a way to record changeover times tracked to specific assets and people.
  4. Identify opportunities for process improvement and keep a record of it.
  5. Allow the floor to access the staff to better communication like email where appropriate.
  6. Improve operator access to data by providing electronic "paperless" display of current, as well as, newer style electronic image and video documents.
  7. Perform quality checks of the process and get it electronically to alert conditions of non-conformance conditions can be captured in real time.
Implementation of Lean Manufacturing through a factory floor system can save time and money and put you in the driver's seat to more profitable production.
Use information tools creatively. Use information tools that are designed to improve the process.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


GENBA or GEMBA is a Japanese word meaning "real place", where the real action takes place. In business, GEMBA is where the value-adding activities to satisfy the client are carried out.
Manufacturing companies have three main activities in relation to creating money: developing (designing), producing and selling products. In a broad sense, GEMBA means the sites of these three major activities.
In a narrower context, however, GEMBA means the place where the products are made.
The term is often used to stress the that real improvement can only take place when there is a shop-floor focus on direct observation of current conditions where work is done, e.g., not only in the engineering office.

Five Golden Rules of Gemba
Masaaki Imai promoted Kaizen to people outside Japan through his two highly acclaimed books:
  1. Kaizen: The Key To Japan's Competitive Success.
  2. Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management
He preaches the Five Golden Rules of Gemba, the first of which is 'When a problem (abnormality) arises, go to gemba first'. So what's gemba? It's the shop floor, or equivalent. Once there, you apply Golden Rule Two: check with gembutsu (relevant objects). Three: take temporary counter-measures on the spot. Four: find the root cause. Five: standardize to prevent recurrence. Standardization is the managing part of getting good gemba. You also need good housekeeping (Imai is very keen on cleaning machines) and muda, the elimination of waste. But all hinges on getting away from your desk. Obey the master Imai. GO TO GEMBA!

Similarity between 3 Gs and MBWA
The 3 G's (Gemba, Gembutsu, and Genjitsu, which translate into “actual place”, “actual thing”, and “actual situation”).
In the early days of Hewlett-Packard (H-P), Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett devised an active management style that they called Management By Walking Around (MBWA). Senior H-P managers were seldom at their desks. They spent most of their days visiting employees, customers, and suppliers. This direct contact with key people provided them with a solid grounding from which viable strategies could be crafted.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Five reasons why your organization needs Lean Six Sigma

The powerful combination of lean manufacturing and Six Sigma is what we are speaking about when we use the term Lean Six Sigma.

In fact these two processes are incredibly similar in their goals, methods, and applications. The focus behind Six Sigma is to reduce waste and increase speed, whereas lean thinking focuses on improving quality and reducing costs. When you combine these two philosophies you get the best combination of short term results and sustainable corporate changes.

Five Reasons Your Organization Needs Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma has become the quality improvement strategy of choice for many corporations for various reasons. Below are the five top reasons companies have for implementing Lean Six Sigma.

  1. It can be applied across various sectors of industry - While it is true that lean thinking first began as an approach in the manufacturing sector, these days Lean Six Sigma is being successfully implemented in industries across the board. It is no longer accurate to say that Lean Six Sigma is only for manufacturing companies.
  2. Immediate functional improvements from the implementation of Lean Six Sigma - You will see reduced production times and costs much faster than you anticipate. The main reason for this quick improvement is the implementation of several different tools including kaizen (a method to continuously analyze and improve processes), kanban (which assists with production), and poke yoke (which works to eliminate mistakes).
  3. Increased value for consumers - Real tangible value is created for consumers with the implementation of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma. Reduced costs and the improved quality of products are just two of the benefits that consumers of your products or services will enjoy. Most corporation implement Lean Six Sigma for one simple reason, it improves the bottom line of the corporation.
  4. Ease of execution - Lean Six Sigma is a powerful tool for transforming corporations, in part because of its ability to create links between strategic priorities and operational improvements. The goals set by a corporation’s top management personnel are the strategic priorities. They usually focus on improved customer experiences and higher returns on investment.
  5. Sustainable management capability - Lean Six Sigma is intricately woven into every aspect of the businesses, making it very sustainable for everyone, from corporate managers down the workers on the floor. The quick results that are obtained from implementing the process are the key to its sustainability.

Businesses have seen that they can create values for both customers and corporate managers by implementing Lean Six Sigma to streamline their organization. When successfully implemented, Lean Six Sigma can have an incredibly positive impact on the bottom line. Its ability to create value for the customer coupled with its quick implementation and results are what make Lean Six Sigma so attractive for companies in just about every industry.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

JISHUKEN STEP 1 - STOP 6 (Safety Toyota Zero Project)

STOP is an acronym for Safety Toyota Zero Project. There are 6 types of accidents in STOP 6, mostly related with equipment / machine. They are:
  1. Apparatus, accidents caused by caughted in machine
  2. Big Heavy, accidents caused by heavy object hitting
  3. Car, accidents caused by transportation accident
  4. Drop, accidents caused by dropped from high place
  5. Electric, accidents caused by electrical contact
  6. Fire, accidents caused by hot object contact, or exposed to flames
Classification level based on hazard and risk ranking:
  • Rank 1 (Red) ; Death , Disability ,Lost of Organ
  • Rank 2 (Yellow) ; Injury ,Production shutdown/ Lost Working Day (LWD)
  • Rank 3 (Green) ; Little injury (no absent) ,No production shutdown / Non Lost Working Day (NLWD)

Here 7 Steps of Safety Assurance:
  1. Patrol Check base on STOP 6 by Jishuken team
  2. Making rank criteria by company management
  3. Confirm Actual Patrol Check by Company Management
  4. Company Decision (Ranking category)
  5. 4M analysis
  6. Countermeasure for Safety Assurance (Permanent & temporary base on 4M)
  7. Company Standardization (Discuss with Management linked to productivity & quality)


Saturday, January 30, 2010

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